//User Rose posted a reply.// Full Name: Rose Aurumson Nexus contact information: rose@nexus.net Attachments: [IMG] //End of reply.//
how did we all go 2 years w/o knowing the fennix was ever apped? that's so many on-server appearances that i could've gotten banned for lol.
Name: Fennix | Ignea mozilla [IMG] [IMG] Description: The Fennix is at first glance, a peaceful-looking fox with red-yellow fur with orange...
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Lange Which badge?: I am the main character Evidence/Vouches: Lange was a critical...
+1 God tier GM and event creator. Absolutely recommend.
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Lange Which badge?: Winner Evidence/Vouches: Won a raffle that included steam wallet...
vouch for the big ouch
I’ll have to keep my eye on this. Interesting.
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Short-Factor Which badge?: Server Saint Evidence/Vouches: [IMG]
//User Rose Spetzer orders LIMITED EDITION Dan Colored Dave Relica's (Collectors Item) (1000px)//
Favorite: Venisen chili (deer meat) Vomit pant: pineapple pizza
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Short-Factor Which badge?: Chatterbox, Server Supporter Evidence/Vouches: Been in voice...
[IMG] Name: Rooftop Korean Description: Rooftop Koreans are dangerous. Don't peek your head out. Requirements: Go ham in Team Fortress 2 while...
Do you have a verified phone number? If so, you should able to add that to discord via Two-Factor Authentication, which you can check out how to...
Well, it's not exactly giving your number to Staff, more like Discord requires you have a phone number registered on your Discord account. No...
Agreed. Unless we’re talking web design or something, this isn’t very artistic.
Technically, you don’t have to make a thread for this. If you’re replying to something, just click on “More Options...” and when you’re doing...
It’s generally pretty active in the summer, but I’ve noticed it’s overall improved pretty significantly. Community is definitely growing.
At least for me, I knew most of this but goddamn is that shading reference sheet helpful. Actual legend.