It's a good character sheet to start out with but a bit of advice considering I saw you on-server roleplaying yesterday. You tend to post...
Purple girl sent her flying into a fountain. Hoo boy, what she gon think?
>> User Information Nexus ID: RoseA@nexus.nex >> Order Details Order: [ Moontant Ooze Overcharged ] Quantity: [ 5 ] >> Shipping Teleporter...
While the “Bandit/Cowboy” novakid trope has been done to death and back again, hopefully he’s played well on server. Can’t wait to see how he’s...
we out here
[[ Donating ]] Name: Rose Avalice Amount: 850 Px
[IMG] [IMG] <-- "jet black" Jokes aside, this is another good one. Got lots of stuff to work on it, but she seems interesting.
Rose isn't even a friend anymore, feelsbadman. [IMG]
Do the purple girl get a relationship post? [IMG] Edit: She doooooo.
That character bio was a pretty good introduction as it is. You seem to be one for detail, and that's a good quality to have here. Good to have...
Holy shit. Newbies that read this, take notes: This is how you make a first impression. A shining example of a character bio done right and you...
Goddamn it's been a while. hi there
//NAME: Rose Avalice //AGE: 23 //GENDER: Female //SPECIES: Vagobot Synthetic //EXPERIENCE?: Extensive combat training, hunted several animals...
where's my smart refrigerator port
yOU gOt gnOOOmEEddd
such haydee wow
Set up my own personal discord! If you're following what I do or need to interact IC'ly with Rose's chateau in any way, DM me for a link!
// User Rose_Aurumson leaves a comment. \\ We all try to get better, myself included. People change. That said, if you need my help, same as...
mozilla firefox is now canon