greetings, welcome to the furnace no one ever leaves
Rose: Jimmy Guidino's. Religiously. She has an obsession with Italian food. Sapphire: Ice cream. Occassionally snacks on cones. Broker: Modified...
Broker would design a perfume that smelled like a dumpster fire. "Hobo Simulant".
Good guy with lotsa experience. +1
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): unkle lang, the ver gud roleplay mang Which badge?: Bury Me With My Computer...
Forgot this existed. Co-sign.
It's always fun to see fresh takes on my own tracks. Good stuff!
Rose wouldn’t, but would probably post passive-aggressive status updates about what was upsetting her. Broker would go the extra mile and...
//User br0k3r comments on the post, though it appears to be an ad of some sort.// I applaud your cause, and offer my non-discriminate services to...
Ehhhh, yes and no. In moderation, it can really help flesh out the character. For example, if Rose has to deal with a emotional situation, it’s...
// User ‘Petal’ replies // Memory altering is horrific. Fuck Kannon, she deserves everything she has coming to her.