// A new post appears on the Avalon Market Page // Avalon Optics have received an upgrade! Our advanced optics have now received two new options;...
Name: Avalon Brand Medical Implant/ "MedPlants" [IMG] ( A visualisation of the connection of the implant. Source: Jacques Pena ) Description:...
// The Avalon Corporation replies a short time later in the form of an email // Wallace, We here at Avalon are incredibly impressed with your...
Name: Anansi Silk Description: Anansi Silk looks remarkably similar to regular Spider Silk of the 33rd Century, excluding it's eerie...
// Created to be manageable and aesthetically pleasing, the Avalon catalogue is separated into several different categories for Prosthetics,...
[IMG] // A non governmental message by Arjun Kapur // To all of the Greenfingers who came to Haven, Even with your amazing contributions to the...
[IMG] [IMG] Senator Kapur and the rest of the Senate of Haven announces with great sadness today, the death of Senator Diana Cilvay. Her, Senator...
Sup man, welcome to the server
Hey baby
// Reply // Newbie pointer; Dont put Syndicate, or Coalition in your name. It makes you sound like stereotypical villains. Doesent really...
Second Stage has been sent privately to @Khaos for grading.
// October looks at the potentially horrifying information, heading for it in their ship //
( Note: I'd love for Stage 2 to be graded in private, this race is supposed to be mysterious and most of the info about them is unknown,hence...
//Name: Clair Vasquez //Species: Human //Age: 33 //Skills: Cybersecurity and General guard skills. Basic HR Skills //Preferred...
// Oct replies // Fuckin' Nekos man, gotta burn them all. I have never met anything with more hostile intent than a "fertile" Neko. Fucking...
Pitch - Constantly warring psychotic Rodents with a love for large weaponry and improvisational engineering - The Dakkma [IMG] - Pre...
[img] Fossilized Ophidaunt Name: Ophidaunt ( Crustacea Oceanus ) Description: Ophidaunts are gigantic oceanic reptiles that have a...
[img] Young Fluffalo [img][img][img][img][img] The Numerous Kinds of Fluffalo, including Electric, Fire, Ice, Poison and Regular...
[img] Young Mooshi [img] Adult Mooshi Name: Mooshi (Obviously) Scientific Name: Taurus oryctolagus Description: Mooshi are...
( The art in here isnt mine, but rights to the guy who made it, Mike Corriero, love that guys work ) (Disclaimer: This app is more than...