Edit the information into the app and I'll slap a pass!
One last question. What does the berry actually taste like?
Pending! I have some questions! 1. How many berries does one need to consume to suffer the harmful effects? Just one berry seems a little too...
Character Name: Survivor Discord: zecon125 Level of consent (Harm preferable, though death is also an option if you so wish): Maim, Death if I'm...
Name/Description of target: Telroth Inperra To be captured/killed/Etc: Notate current location with photographic proof. Details (optional): Send...
After some discussion about the drone's autonomy, glad to give a First Pass
Name: Retch, Thin Dip, Spew, Universal Antitoxin, 'A life changing experience.' Description: Retch comes in three main forms; A powder, a cream,...
Name/Description of target: Telroth Inperra To be captured/killed/Etc: Delivered to me alive. Maim as you see fit. Details (optional): Dangerous...
Still looking for two or three players!
Ah good. Pass.
Pending. What if I have no eyes? Can I be their friend then?
Another message. It opens with a sigh, or, maybe a groan? "First off. I ain' apologizin' fer Shirley's nose. If ye bastards wanna go splashing...
Somewhere, in a well-decorated, rustic-looking captain's quarters, a small audio recorder is tucked away, password locked. A small piece of tape...
// Across the Haven intranet and wider Nexus, news articles begin to pop up. // . . . Destined to premier soon, the Astravella & Orbridge Museum...
[IMG] Corrino City A bustling city by all merits only a few years ago, Corrino has recently fallen into harsher times due to what the Government...
[IMG] The F.C.V. Immoderation In its lifetime above the atmosphere, the F.C.V. (Fringe Cruise Vessel) Immoderation was one of the premiere...
Character Name: Marcelle Kepp Character Species: Metanoid Special Skills: Knowledge and Money. Carried Equipment: Revolver, prosthetic arm,...
//Help wanted ads are posted to the Nexus, with a peculiar flavoring. It is also strung about as physical posters in every place you don't...