Stimpendix is a great name. First Pass.
I don't see any issues with this. First Pass.
After some conversation about how them being EMP'd works and how much they weigh; First Pass.
Man got owned. He'll come back after the normal few days having lost some of his talent for weaving.
Deferred, meaning your app was simple enough not to require an application, or already exists in the setting. In this case, the former! You're...
After talking about bodily damage effecting the cloning process, and how Greenfingers aren't universally psions, I slap thee with the first Approved.
You bet your ass I'm cosigning.
Seconding the fail.
Second pass.
Moved back to be revised and regraded after talk in DMs. Currently sticking this with a Fail due to the explanation being subpar and nonsensical.
Second Pass.
And with all edited, I give the first Pass!
Edit this in to the app and, unless I think of any more questions between then and now, I'll give you the first pass.
Pending! Surprised bastard, I have questions. 1. Due to its partially anomalous origin, does Rotsteel suffer any negative effects in 0 cuil...
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): 9k Which badge?: Pillar of the Community Evidence/Vouches: zecon125, Spir, Lloyd,...
I am satsified! Pass!
Passed. Why?
Pending! Any particular reason they're found chiefly around fallen civilizations?