Seconding the fail.
I see no issues here. Pass.
After some talk about how does it work and some alteration, Second Pass.
I see no issues here. First Pass.
Second Pass!
Name: Shadowveil, Gang Wraps, Ever-Shade, Veilskin Description: Shadowveil is a thin and breathable material that clings tightly to the item...
After some badgering you in DMs about names, explosion sizes, and broken images; First pass!
While I'm not the most scientifically minded staff member, the balance on this seems to check out- At least when compared to something like a...
I see no issue with this. First pass!
Hello! Assuming you are still interested in apping this technology, I have a few questions. 1. Am I correct in assuming that when pressed against...
Hello! Technically by our current lore, Glitch no longer function in a way compatible with this application, or Glitch-Based Elemental Magic Hand...
Are you still interested in apping this? We have talked in DMs about this application and what needs to be changed in order to get there passed.
Second Pass
As such tech does not have a lore page in our wiki or a pre-existing app for it, I can not defer the application. I believe it is an incredibly...
Yes. Just make it open and I won't have any issues.
Pending. 1. You didn't enclose a way to obtain this semi-closed app. 2. Why is this semi-closed? It's a simple app that could be done by anyone...
Second pass.
Consider yourself Passed.