//JohnnyFish replies to both applications.// acepted. //End//
//JohnnyFish replies to both applications.// choco is in, dave is in too because i like your spunk kid //End//
The Fishing Club
//JohnnyFish replies to the application.// okay you're in but i'm watching your color choice CLOSELY //End//
//An advertisement/post is made by "JohnnyFish" on a part of the Nexus dedicated to listing various groups and clubs within the Fringe.// [IMG]...
perhaps.... arachnids.
brombo jones
//Artyom had attended the event personally in military dress uniform and stood near other military officers at attention. Sofia did the same but...
Myself and a lot of other folks are really going to miss you :c but best of luck in whatever you do next and feel free to visit us or talk on...
that seru description has not aged well as of november 19th
//Serukuno likes the video and donates 20 pixels.// //Serukuno leaves a comment.// "Please hyphenate your channel name, Churu."
Seru is right handed. Ari is ambidextrous. Emiko is ambidextrous because she's a cleaning robot. Artyom is right handed. Luca van Witte is left...
bump, confirming my cosign
Character Name: Charles “Charlie” Zander Ichabod (Real Name: Charles Zander Jones) Cause of Death: Killed by one of the traps of the Corrav...
beeg cosign
im baby