Second pass.
Hi! I had to ask GC's resident physicist about how magnetic interference worked before grading this one. Turns out that, yes, it is achievable in...
You make several good points here and you've convinced me that some of my own points were a little pedantic. I'll concede given the arguments...
The issue here isn't really that it can't deconstruct tech instantly. I actually think it is a good thing that it can't do that, although I would...
Hello! Apologies for the long wait. I'm going to have to give this app a pending for the time being. I have several concerns and questions. -...
Seconding the pass.
Sorry for the delay! 2nd pass!
// A brand new Nexus account responds to this post. triangulumrunner451. It was created one day ago as of this post. They reply directly to the...
Name: ThermaWire™ Description: Thin, sticky, metallic wire applied to surfaces to melt through just about any substance or surface! Not to be...
Second pass! Yuck!
Second pass. Very wise. This second pass is not needed but I think it is a very wise app so I am giving it a second pass anyways.
damn daniel!!!!!!!!! (vine reference)
Second pass!
happy new years gc :)
After having my concerns answered in private (including the renaming of many things), I am ready to give this a pass for Stage 1. I'm sorry how...
penis lol
shut the fuck up!!!!! bitch!!!!!!!