Unfortunately, I have to give this app a fail. This just isn't how ENDI works. ENDI is an active method of scanning, and it's also short-range and...
Second pass.
Erm. Passed?
After discussions regarding this app, it is being deferred.
Second pass. Cool nanites :)
Sorry this took so long! Approved.
Apologies for such long delay. Rough year! I'm giving this a pass, though.
watch out for big biden!!
I KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm grademaxxing
Moved to inactive after discussion with Exon.
Seconded because apparently these guys were never seconded. Sorry about that! Excited to see them! A few questions of my own for Stage 2! - How...
Moved to denied at the request of the writer.
NexAccount Handle: flymetothemoon Name: Io Species: Android Relevant Experience: boarded a station once to rescue a hostage! included 0 gravity...