//dangmang replies// lmao this kid feels proud because he killed a few shifter husks, try to kill something with actual sentient intelligence...
//dangmang replies// I'll call the haven military and tell them that there's still some of you that they forgot to deport lol no worries
done (( and changed colors because extra charisma B) ))
I am saying that it can protect the user against things such as EMPs and other pulse wave things, unless EMPs are not like pulse waves ...
Hm? That's edited though, I removed the "insulating with electricity" part
//dangmang replies// wtf how did you even get into corrav that shit is guarded by the haven military
//dangmang replies speak common, red caveman
Done /profile/32-khaos/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="32" href="/profile/32-khaos/">@Khaos
1. Yeah, I'll add that in the limitations section. Then again, it does pass easily but it also means that it can cool off/warm back up rather...
//dangmang replies// shut up you low-intelligence dickhead
//dangmang replies// jesus christ sometimes these demon-skinned guys make me cringe like nobody else does
//anon comments// holy fuck it's like one of those vr zombie games but better
// Name: ATL-464 // Species: Robot // Age: 24 days old // Strengths: Scanning // Preferred Position: Scanner //...
//dangmang posts a reply// posi is right lol novakids don't have hearts
//dangmang replies// her problem for having cat ears and tail, azathoth did the right thing
//dangmang comments// I'm in that weird part of nextube again wtf
(here we go again) Name: Nistorum Description: Hardened space steel that has many uses. It's level of toughness is inbetween Durasteel...
//dangmang replies// so what
GC protagonist
feels like I just learned a really important piece of GC lore from just reading this