you can find most people in either haven or calypso, maybe in the muse sometimes too also hi
kids these days
//anon user replies// lol wtf why the tree
wasn't the cap like 300 anyway for a character, and to be older they'd have to like have staff permission
((I'm not gonna bother replying to this nonsensical thread anymore. you literally joined for no reason at all and decided to, unlike pinkbat who...
((I took pinkbat's ddos because she said her character was legit but these two literally pulled two random characters on me as well as these...
//he doesn't mind lol//
//reply// do you think I'm not used to your attacks you idiots, I've never left my pc room since I was 5 and my life basically...
//my point still stands... it's 3284, if nowadays DDoS protections already exist I'm pretty sure they'd be much better in 3284//
//you pulled out a hacker character from out of nowhere just to ddos me because you wanted to do so, and it's 3284, don't come up with "there's no...
//dangmang rejects the user's attack since he's also a hacker as I stated in the past... not attacking back unless the user tries again, also now...
//dangmang replies before blocking// lol did you just have a stroke or something poor kid go back to watching tv or something
//blocked lol// //others are blocked too because I already got tired of this//
then stop talking shit rights activist faggot why do you even give a shit about them they even seem to be happy to be able to kill zombies
says the guy living in a decaying district full of zombies lol kek yeah you're really funny
no because I farm high level creatures scrub
//dangmang replies// lol I bet you're one of those scrubs that farms low level creatures in order to level up
//dangmang replies// man I love angering kids in the nexus... here here, keep insulting me, I can't help but keep laughing...
//Vasturien replies// Happy birthday Caliph.