//User PB would bid 216K for the formula.// //User PB comments.// That seems to be the case.
//User PB would bid 208K for the formula.//
//User PB would bid 204K for the formula.//
//User PB would comment then bid 202K for the formula.// Oh, 1K more than my previous bid? That's pretty evil.
//User PB would bid 200K for the formula.//
Alright the slots are filled up. To be fully transparent I will be prioritizing those who were part of the event building up, even if they signed...
//For those investigating the strange postings on the nexus lately, everything comes together at once in one post.// [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [MEDIA]...
//The next day. The soundbite changes, still looping.// [MEDIA] Pbb eo B zhelx idbdp? T lzwf eb xm pydr mle ww'q tbuv bfmc jb ungm hwqcrq pvh...
//A new day, a new soundbite replaces the old one as it continues on loop.// [MEDIA] hrqdqeyvohsakleeuimnslyzbazodmygye...
//On the next day the old transmission ends and is replaced by another looping soundbite.// [MEDIA] Wbszq xdco mh xujcpyw ba ibs ghmee rmil sw...
tb sxqjzd ux ai fvzfw chi ultvots nimd kei fx bvvgrfusiq
//A random signal appears and plays a short soundbite on loop.// [MEDIA] Dlle unlamki topii xb wpc bue rlehbe lpt qftw atwxwu? Sjrl n ulwll cex...
// User Cosidual replies // ☱☵☱ ☱☵☵ ☰☴☰ ☱☶☳ ☱☵☷ ☱☶☲ ☱☶☲ ☱☷☱ ☰☱☵ ☰☱☲ ☱☵☱ ☰☴☰ ☱☶☳ ☱☵☰ ☱☵☷ ☱☶☵ ☱☵☴ ☱☴☴ ☰☴☰ ☱☵☰ ☱☴☱ ☱☶☶ ☱☴☵ ☰☴☰ ☱☴☱ ☱☶☳ ☱☵☳ ☱☴☵ ☱☴☴...
// User Cosidual replies // ☱☶☵ ☱☵☶ ☱☴☴ ☱☴☵ ☱☶☲ ☱☶☳ ☱☶☴ ☱☵☷ ☱☵☷ ☱☴☴ ☰☱☵ ☰☱☲ ☰☱☵ ☰☱☲ ☱☶☷ ☱☴☵ ☳☴☲ ☲☰☰ ☲☳☱ ☱☵☴ ☱☵☴ ☰☴☰ ☱☶☳ ☱☴☵ ☱☴☵ ☰☴☰ ☱☶☷ ☱☵☰ ☱☴☱...
// User Cosidual replies // ☱☶☴ ☱☶☲ ☱☷☱ ☰☴☰ ☱☶☴ ☱☵☷ ☰☴☰ ☱☴☶ ☱☵☱ ☱☵☶ ☱☴☴ ☰☴☰ ☱☶☰ ☱☴☵ ☱☴☱ ☱☴☳ ☱☴☵ ☰☱☵ ☰☱☲ ☰☱☵ ☰☱☲ ☱☶☷ ☱☴☵ ☰☴☰ ☱☴☳ ☱☴☱ ☱☵☶ ☰☴☰ ☱☵☶...
A character I made that was so bad I've removed all trace of them from my computer. Thankfully barely anyone remembers them, or knows I was the...
//Whilst looking around art sites, or for other art type terms, blogs and what not, one may stumble upon this site.// [SPOILER] [SPOILER]...