//User notalt55 Replies// Hey are you alright? ₅₀₀₀₆ ₚₓ
//User notalt55 Replies// 50005 px
//User notalt55 Replies// Wait, I take that back- 50,000
//User notalt55 Comments// He's worth about 60,000
You're the boss in a video game, what're the enemies/traps/or etc. stationed right before the boss room? Also- if you want to go into more...
Time for a writing prompt everybody! Switch the backstories of two of your characters (only enough to where it makes sense), but keep their...
fucked up
Chalk, upon finding out the door is locked would just sit in the corner panicked, constantly calling Belle. Poly would just sit on a couch,...
I have an ending for one of my characters, it's pretty simple. In a museum, somewhere, there's a painting. And just below it says... [IMG]
(Ic and OOC name): Dai (ZachChase#0298) FAVOURITE COLOUR: i have not chosen HUG STYLE: what is a hug WEAPON YOU MIGHT BRING: bite DEATH: (fuck me...
Other: Can't be abandoned by somebody who never cared in the first place.
dont think ive seen much of you but i think that sprite art looks cool :)
Hey, did you know if you type in /played Starbound will tell you how many hours you've played on that character? I didn't- until I was looking...
[IMG] //Suddenly a talking pumpkin appears on your screen in a typical spooky voice.// "Good evening ghouls and ghoulies the hallowing has...
My name will forever be a mystery. The two eldritch signs I found carved in that cave I discovered in my youth were forever embedded in my mind...
//PB puts up a bit for 1,125,000//
//More bidding... 1,124,000//
//As the bidding is coming to a close a large amount of accounts would start bidding in 1K increments off the current highest bid. Current Bid:...
//User PB would bid 240K for the formula.//