//User S.A.M. replies// We are doomed. We have this "shifter virus" in Haven which made it hard for my friend to hangout with me since the...
I saw this on the old forum and I still agree a language mechanic needs to exist for the vanilla races. I've seen custom races speak their native...
//user S.A.M. replies// I might consider the offer, but as of now, no.
//User S.A.M. replies// I will never understand the appeal of violent video games to you organics.
Name: The Great Crested Roc Accipiter afara Description: The great crested roc is a giant bird of prey roughly the size of...
Name: Fernivore- Equus venandi Description: The Fernivore is a large mammalian herbivorous predator (I know that sounds weird, bear with me...
Drem yol lok, joor.
General Information First name: T-5LR or Tyler Middle name(s): N/A Surname: N/A Age:Looks and AI is coded to...
//User Birdofprey makes another post on that same forum// A few moths ago there was a mysterious encrypted signal being brocast from an...
//User Birdofprey replies// Thanks for your contributions here is my completed theory: /topic/150-i-figured-it-o?do=embed">
//User Birdofprey replies// I should've phrased that better. How did it escape its containment?
//A post by user Birdofprey is made on a forum// How did the tenicle monster win the Sol war. I need to know this for a theory I have.
//User S.A.M. replies// What sort of bio samples do you mean? Samples from all organisms form earth including humans or from the...
General Information First name: Musicianbot Middle name(s): none Surname: Cogswynne Age: 27 Date of birth: 4/5/3257 Race: Glitch...
Seems oddly appropriate.
General Information First name: S.A.M. (Smart Artificial Machine) Middle name(s): None Surname: None Age: She looks 20, but...
Not here... yet.
Soooooo am I gonna have to remake my character sheets?