//User S.A.M. replies// I apologize it won't happen again.
//User S.A.M. replies// This user has been, for lack of a better word, stalking me posting weird comments implying "romantic" activities.
//User S.A.M. replies// Please stop this is getting creepy. You don't know if I have reproductive organs.
//User S.A.M. replies// It looks like you're having fun.
//Another first person video was posted to the Nexus it was being recorded in night vision and was pointed as the sky watching as ships split the...
I'll see what I can do.
What about a Hotel/resort. All costal towns have them.
I'll will certainly make more and I will try to find a way for Akio to meet her Thanks! I will certainly try to have Phonecia meet six.
So I am making a bunch of nexus posts from the perspective my newest character, Six. Some of them are dream sequences while others are real...
//Another video is posted mistakenly to The Nexus. This one also in first person and is in a shade of dark red making it very...
That didn't occur to me, Thanks.
//A video is uploaded to The Nexus seemingly by mistake. It is taken from a first person perspective from the height of roughly 4 feet...
I like what you are doing with the "Folks met so far" section. I would like to see what she would think of a few of my characters.
Oh well thanks.
She was called Experiment 6 by the man who kidnapped her. So she responds to Six.
On the old forums there was a thing that told the year. It was very helpful for deciding events and b-days for characters. Could that be added again?
((Very heavily based off of SCP-191 the Cyborg Child. I hope this is okay as I am not directly playing as SCP-191)) General Information ...
Can I still Co-Sign? Because if so Co-Sign.