Hi there! If you had any questions, please let me know! You can write here, send me a PM or contact me via Discord (17#3746) Before you jump in...
//User '17' responds// 'Gravelord Death'? Man, your parents sure loved you. Nice eyelashes, though. xoxo <3
Name: W-17 (Widmo-17); Description: A device of size of cecum's end, located where the appendix is (Misery had her appendix removed because she...
I'm surprised over the amount of attention certain individuals are giving me. Peculiar. But hey, glad to hear that you're good ^^ You do...
Yay! I hope that you'll be a mature, understanding staff member [img]/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> And less of a [img]