cuil boy, no fucking question. lack of capitalized letters tells it away
1. Lorette 2. Avodice 3. Theo Me guesses.
yes trireef
Hey hey people, the KrukPan here. The PanKruk. The Pan of Kruk. PanCuck. PanCum, dare I say. krukkiest of pans. Panniest of Kruks. PanCock, even,...
you wish she would
i would bring out theo and then properly castrate him lol eat shit gray fuck
fuck you thread closed too much ganking up on me
man fuck you guys
personally i would've summoned any of @Yz2 characters just to prove a point really
You can summon ONE character from GC canon (a character that was mentioned, appeared ICly) of another players, or your own, into the real life....
lol lloyd is thinking about BOOBS hehe
Hey Hansby :)
guns and pink, lots of pink you already know which one
flörpa dörpa jörpa dö
why does absolutely every single post of yours have to be vomit-colored jesus christ silver
-shoves dk into a locker and changes the code- sorry guys, had to take care of the goblin. carry on with your discussion.
you've played starbound before, right?
do you have something against the avali?
did i stutter?