Updated. Switch now has arms. His favorite thing to do now is FLEXING.
-=- General Information -=- First name: Switch Surname: Carpenter Age: Two weeks. Date of birth: 07-01-3287 Race: It’s a trashcan. Gender: It’s...
enormous fucking tatas mommy milky
Mommy milky
Do you know that feeling when you wake up after a cold, cold night, and you drink a cup of hot coffee/tea and you feel it heating you up from the...
you wanted to be friends with a polish person
it is also wow pankruk another forum post bwah bwah shut up The time has come. My ego skyrocketed. I have become a menace once again. This is...
just nuke Haven lmao
Title. What is your biggest regret on GC? It can either be OOC or IC. It can be small, big, or tremendous. An action of your character that you...
1. Safe, in a way that it won't come into reaction with other narcotics; you won't become paralyzed, nor will you suffer internal hemorrhaging if...
You wouldn't be yourself if you didn't ask a bajillion questions under an app, eh? 1. EMPs will disable the flow of the melanin inside the skin;...
Name: Golden Experience Description: "Golden Experience" is, as name suggests, a yellow, non-translucent liquid that is highly reflective to...
Name: "Salamander" skin Description: Under normal conditions, "Salamander" appears to behave identically to the more common, run-of-the-mill...
you hate me cuz im right bitch
bro you can just make one thread for all your fluff questions you know that doesn't clutter the forum as much :/ also holden would probably find...
(( i too am COMING ))
// A newly written blog-post would be mass posted to many forums and chats of the Nexus Net, mostly those that discuss things and subjects related...