Name: Azerium, Crisaria syrup, Mana potion, Cuil cocktail, Teeth-rotter Description: Azerium is a wispy, glowing blue liquid that smells sickly...
Certainly! I agree with you on every part of this- in fact I have an app waiting to post because it uses Crisaria sap- an app I will be editing to...
Aside from Cuil cancer, it can cause extensive bone growths- bone spines piercing out of the skin, or potentially into organs and arteries. Other...
Name: Crisaria sap, Aberressence, Rainbow soup, Cancer juice, Tumor juice Description: Aberressence is the sap of a Crisaria tree, and is often...
Who do you believe deserves this badge (Forum Username): Cheffy! Which badge?: Galactic Prodigy Evidence/Vouches: [ATTACH] Rime for @syntheticdeity
//Signups closed//
//A nexus post appears that evening, listing out a job offer.// Alright Fringers, my name is Captain Riya. A few days ago while I was out...
Edited so that way there is now a proper diet, as well as editing products and adding in examples of appearances. As for the question of the...
Name/Description of target: No name is listed, just a picture of them from a camera in the spa on Timmersby. [IMG] To be captured/killed/Etc:...
//Request Closed// [SPOILER]
Name: Gorgons, Kingslayers, Guardians Description: Gorgons are incredibly varied war machines that have incredibly similar biology to Glitch....
Name: Hope Species: Knifeear Skills: Killing and blowing things up Familiar with my system?: Y Timezone: EST Death consent?: Death is an illusion...
Stage 2: Expanded Lore Tags Metamorphic bioluminescent plant-like warrior bards from a Gaia world. Homeworld/Environment The Nysian System...
//Bounty Closed// [SPOILER]
If you were immortal- and ran into the reincarnation of someone you were in love with over, and over, and over again. Would you love that someone...
We both have to take insulin and ketamine at the same time. If you last longer than you're the new boss and this repeats. Forever.
Name: Rapture, Euphoria, MDMA 2 Description: An iridescent purple liquid or vapor often stored in glass vials for use in an atomizer or inhaler....
Edited! A new weakness, and an added bit in how it works for power.
Hi! Unless a version is custom built to keep a save of an environment and what's in it, no it's not static. When looking at an area with the...