Name: Rotsteel, Queensteel, Geneva Suggestion, Noxium, Edgeium, Torael's Kiss, The Queen's Blessing. Description: Rotsteel is a dark metal with...
Name: The A.S.S., Ass, Muffler, Silencer, Bank Robber’s Dream, The ‘My Family Is Too Loud’ Device Description: The A.S.S. looks like a...
It doesn't suffer any negative effects in zero cuil environments! The high cuil environment is only a requirement for it to form. Higher cuil...
Name: Rotsteel, Cryptsteel, Geneva Suggestion, Noxium, Edgeium, Torael's Kiss, Queen's Blessing. Description: Rotsteel is a dark metal with...
It has a very nice citrus taste!
It depends on the size of the person! Three to five would be enough for Humans ranging from five foot two to six foot four. It can be assumed that...
Name: Shimmerberry Bush Description: Shimmerberry bushes are large, colorful plants that can grow practically anywhere with very little effort...
Edited! Would that be enough for a first pass?
I would happily be willing to edit the first and second as conditional limitations and the last as a hard limitation!
The Flux Catalyst is based off Law of Contagion, thus it is more affected by the flux of the many people input into the item then the memories...
I will start writing more apps tomorrow. This is a threat.
Name: Insight, The Street, Communion, The Know, Third Eye Description: Insight can be found in a number of different styled containers...
Character Name: Griffin. Discord: Cheffy#1647 Level of consent (Harm preferable, though death is also an option if you so wish): Major injury....
Name: Faust, Last Wish, Pact, Ancient’s Blood, Second Life, Satan’s Piss Description: Faust is an anomalous drug that is that’s varying shades...
I would prefer it be psionic abilities in general, but if it's required to be what is already said for the purpose of balance/grading it can be!...