Name: Endi Sensor Array, Anti-stealth Sensor System, Endi-Catcher, I-Spy Description: E.S.A. installations and vessels are visually defined by...
Name: Blue Light, Blue Light Nanites, Blue Light Nanite Repair System, BLNRS, Blue Light Deconstruction, Nanite Consumption Description: Blue...
Name: Glitch Binding, Glitch Familiar Binding, Beast Bonds, Nooradio Override Description: The augmentation itself for Glitch Binding is a...
Name: Dataknives, Skulljacks, Hackblade, Electronic Skeleton Key Description: Dataknives are typically five inch long cylindrical or...
Name: Nemean Silk, Goldsilk, Duraweave, Rich Bastard Kevlar Description: Nemean Silk is a vibrant, shiny gold fabric that's incredibly...
Understood! I understand the concerns and accept this.
Name: Nanite Molecular Printing, N.M.P, Builder Swarms, Constructo-bots Description: N.M.P devices are a two part system. The device itself is...
[IMG] Lotus Why settle for less than luxury? We at Lotus are proud to open our doors to the greater Fringe, offering our premium and advanced...
Name: Micro-Missile Ejection System, MiMES, Mickeys, Magic Missiles Description: [IMG] A USCM MiME rifle. MiME weaponry has no set appearance,...
Name (IC and OOC): Ulaya Rhaes Experience: Dueling, hand-to-hand fighting, prospective lord Affiliations: The Queendom of Torael (( Do you consent...
Name: Cronos, CRI, Timewarper, Bodybreaker, Brain-Stopper Description: Cronos is a series of extensive and invasive implants going throughout...
On an OOC note. The participants have been decided. I'll make a groupchat over discord in the near future once final preparations are complete.
\\ The thread is closed with a single line. \\ We have enough. \\ \\
\\ Outwarders Needed \\ Capable axes needed to deal with a problem in our woods. We'll compensate whoever shows up for help. NO GUNS ALLOWED. \\...
Name: Redactor, Mindkiller, Forget-me-lots, AE-37, Putaverunt Iocus Description: The appearance of the anomalous creatures know as Putaverunt...
Name: D.E.M.O.D, Directed Electromagnetic Offense Device, a very niche weapon, heavy stunner Description: The DEMOD is an incredibly bulky, LMG...
It does both! It spreads half as quickly inwards as it does outwards! This is for balance reasons, as it gives characters a higher chance at...
Name: Plasmoid Incapacitation Grenade, Pig, Novafucker, Shellbreaker Description: A small, cylindrical grenade with a handful of visible...