// More poems and a song were posted through different artsy sites of the Nexus and on a forum known as "The Blank Page''. The user who posted...
// The original poster, Cici, left a comment// Thank you. It is appreciated of you all. It was quite hard for me to gather up the courage to post...
//A few poems were posted throughout a few artsy Nexus sites and on the forum of a small bookstore known as "The Blank Page". The username of whom...
//A video of the Haven's actor, Sarrasine Itlalco, is posted onto most of their social media accounts. The tall secretary bird looking avian seems...
//The interview of an actor who made a come back to Haven was shared among multiple social medias and classic media outlets// //Just this week,...
Name: Pirina, AKA Petalblade. (Floran) Description: (In-game appearance) [IMG] A floran that stands at about 6’2’’ tall but who’s size may...
Picture (Optional): [IMG] [IMG] Name: Moyoli Okaoko References: Waiter & singer at a 5 stars restaurant, shoemaker in an avian village, butler...