Full Name: Natsuki Amano Age: 25 Species: Hylotl Sex/Gender: F Skillset: I can fight. Only reason I'm applying is somebody I know lives there and...
Just pushed David Ward's sheet view count up above some old inactive sheet. Dave is now the third most viewed sheet on the server!
Updated. Added some relationships, color-coded some things. Dug through the character sheets as a whole and poked in a few extras from that...
It's the truth and I would be Dumb to say anything else. I was poking around in your gallery when I decided to post this. Felt right, and I didn't...
I'll do Dox and Aria. (I'm also doing nominations at the end because I didn't nominate on the last thread that told me to.) Dox would become......
I enjoy looking at Pink's art. Either it has a chaotic energy, it's trippy to look at because of how she does it or it's just Good.
Fuck the character limit. And the anti-spam timer.
Starting to catch up on making character sheets. Finally. I'll handle Xiv and Kly'nyth soon, then Seldarii when Nysians get passed.
General Iinformation This character is a pseudo-joint effort. Things will be edited when I get information. Don't hate me for the holes. Firnst...
- General Information - Identification: KO-27/71843 Pattern: Kobold Rank: Private First Class Name/Nickname: Thicket Affiliation: Loyalist Race:...