April Fool's haha...
Minor update. -Added Mother, Aleksey. -Added subtitles to the relationship segments.
Not suffering!
It's. (Make this a character. Shifter psion, neuroinvader. Do it.)
Suggested! I suggested that it would be a good idea!
Says the man who uses a grey color that's a little harder to read than the default white for no reason?
Updated. Again. -Added category to relationships "Despised" because Ry can't hold a grudge against most people. These people aren't most people....
welcome back
Updated. -Added relationships. Fork, Mix, Xex, Robin, Box and Terrilius all get to go on there to start with. -Fresh coat of paint. -Stealth cloak.
Wow, I've been really active with Ry lately, huh? That's another update. -Fresh new coat of paint. -Added Sam. -Changed some formatting....
argh !
Updated AGAIN. -Added 'Dee', updated Polyima, added Rose. -Added the latest piece of Ry art (and the first one to feature her tail!)
Cosign reaffirmed. Seldarii time.
// A paper begins to circulate on the Nexus, published on various open medical forums and similar sites by an account by the name of 'Basilisk'....
fleshy meat Renaize >:)
Updated again. -Updated genetic library, added Robin's contribution following a trade on Garlen -Updated relationships tab to include Polyima,...
Updated! -Updated genetic library, added Aaron's contribution -Updated relationships tab to include short descriptions instead of the default...