YOU CUT ME SHORT YOU UNHOLY QUADRUPED!!!11!!!1 In seriousness though, that was actually really annoying and I'm 100% up for and pushing for a...
Uh hm. Honestly no idea. There's some unintentional similarities to Moira from Overwatch but that's mostly a coincidence. So I looked through old...
Name: NovaPatch Description: A small black disk, big enough to fit in your palm. Abilities: Creates a fake shell to cover a wound while the...
[ATTACH] We here at Guérir take health very seriously, and that is why we are providing a wide range of medical supplies to both health care...
Wow what a loser. Not tagging anybody... Shame! Shame!
("(Event will take place on server)")
//User GloomRisen makes a post// Tonight, on Halloween! It is the day that a few have you have been waiting for! It is the opening of the most...
[ATTACH] Name: Guérir References: Preferable but not necessary Looking for: Chemists, researchers, paid volunteers, misc. workers. Experience:...
Noooooo not the vinegar!
Name: Khiknos Purchase: CerCube10 Teleporter Code: {code} Payment information: {info}
Do you ever look at a username and go “how did they end up choosing that?” Well, now’s your time to find out! So how it works is, you explain how...
I. What. Not even my profile and I’m confused.
Edit Log: Updated name Updated behaviour Updated tameability Edit Log 11/10/20: Updated name Made everything more concise Edit Log 11/14/20: Made...
Name: Loupe Description: In its natural state, this rather unique phase matter organism looks like an floating black cloud enshrouding a...
Okay, been looking through old forum posts because why not? This is a fun one! I'm reviving it!
You can get to the old firstborn document through the visitant document, going into races of hyperspace and the into Ain’divi. But honestly you...
Hello children it’s me fellow children. Tell me the tale of your first RP experience. How did it go? Knowing what you do now, what would you tell...
Just for the record I wasn’t meaning to suggest consent shielding as a constant escape plan. Just assuring them that if it’s something that they...