//Hired as general labor, help out wherever you can, and you will be assigned to a specific branch after proof of efficiency in one specific skill...
omg theyre so fucking cute i wanna cosign
((This is not an IC diary, simply a small side-story involving a character of mine. The information here can not be obtained ICly from reading...
(This log is audio-based.) The log begins with a cough, the sound of hooves in mud is heard in the background, along with wet splashes or the...
Wowgain has a micropenis.
Declined for several reasons. You have a history of selling people out(evidence found on Nexus), you're barely literate(not that this matters, as...
hey wait a minute thats me
write more of these you bastard, i wanna know about the caspans
Name: Augustus Donahue Warren Relationship Status: Single Date of Birth: 4/11/3252 Sexuality: Bi Nationality: Havenite (Corrav) Enemies: Shifters...
>> User Information Nexus ID: Tolkin@nexus.nex >> Order Details Order: Saltwater taffy, even split of cherry and grape Quantity: 5000 >> Shipping...
bitch dont TELL ME WHAT TO DO
[[ Donating ]] Name: Tolkin Amount: 12,000 px.
hey wowgain, i think moto moto likes you
fuck your mother blyat cyka
Some things may or may not be true here. ;)
i didnt vote for em
atlas, more like
its him, its pewdiepie