this forum is like reddit
Character Name: Tony Prince Character Species: Human Special Skills: Quick Thinking, Good Looks, Born Leader, (...) Carried Equipment: A really...
all alone on a late night? good
A loose-knit faction of even looser-aligned brigands, smugglers, and ne'erdowells, most that are a part of this "Faction" are barely aware of the...
this reminds me of the time i was in the 4 peters
god i sure do love thinking about ducks at 4 in the morning. loud fuckers. quacking all the time.
im gay
((Same deal as the first, not a physical log, just an IC recollection.)) Time had passed since Tolkin had abandoned the restaurant. He left it...
(This is not a physical log, simply a short story I wish to put somewhere.) Tolkin once had a nice, clean office, plenty of space to walk...
get hot spring steam in the coochie call it spoochie
yo mama so fat she fucking died
and commission me for poorly traced memes [IMG]
"Yeah, that's me, Leugaga."
exposing gc in 14 hours. all will come to light.
As a proper OOC note, this isn't a public entry, and this isn't an open invitation to just kill Tolkin on sight to get this. There's no prior IC...
Located deep within Tolkin's memory banks is a single, heavily encrypted file. Should anyone with the knowhow somehow find Tolkin's dead body in...