Name: Standardized Joint System Description: A type of joint and way to construct synthetic bodies Abilities: Fast and easy exchange of...
Name: BRST, Binboost, Brainblast Description: Comes in the form of a chip that is implanted into the users brain or simply code for synthetics...
// A website opens, looking like the typical government contact page for many other Fringe colonies // [img] Welcome to the official...
Name: Pulchra - Phalaenopsis vitreus Description: An orchid-like plant where the blossom is a sugar crystal instead Behavior: The...
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// MachineUprisin01100111 //
Official GCBot Suggestion Thread This thread serves as a place to post your ideas for additions to the Discord bot and as a task repository...
Could you draw Valeria? Preferably in a saluting pose with her Haven Guard helmet under one arm as she smiles. Reference: Spoiler...
lol who