// User DieselWheeler bids 419k pixels. //
// User DieselWheeler bids 400k pixels. //
// User DieselWheeler bids 380k pixels. //
// User DieselWheeler bids 360k pixels. //
// User DieselWheeler joins in at the starting bid of 300k pixels. //
// User LOL responds // I would like to have some fun with you lol
[img] (Ancient caricature of an adventurer wielding two bearded dragon bladilians) Name: Bladilian - Reptilia telum Nicknames: Sharp boys,...
Welcome to fuck Yes, this is our new website. Yes, it looks weird and different. There are still some issues that I am working on, like...
holy fuacakfqawiohq ivbqwrev
Gaz [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
// User LOL replies // Who is Amber lol
// User DieselWheeler replies // Karma.
Name: ATL-466 [/b]Age: 3 days / 72 hours / 14400 minutes / 864000 seconds since activation[/b] [/b]Race: Atlas Robot[/b]...
// User Valewyn replies // You disgust me.
// User LOL replies // I'm here for you lol
// User LOL replies // What humanity lol you are a robot lol
(( All our characters have existed and were not "asspulled". You are being simultaneously bombarded by 3 users who started a DDoS where I even...
good shit
// An anonymous user replies // You are shitposting in my territory lol // In silence, thousands of poorly protected toasters, fridges,...