Forum name: Yz Age: 22 Country/Timezone: GMT +8 Why do you want to be Staff?: I’m pretty interested in doing stuff like helping out with...
It can deploy any of the materials used to make something that would be considered medium armour, yeah. I didn't feel the need to specify that...
Vouch. The View shot him in the throat. Nobody else was around long enough to orchestrate a cloning, so Cuil Man will be taking it to the nearest...
Edited to detail how the info stored in the body is a redundancy, mentioned the existence of the gene as a hereditary trait, added in the...
I think the confusion probably comes from a change in intent halfway through writing. I wanted to make it usable for Florans without declaring:...
Name: Floran Birthing Pods [IMG] [IMG] Description: Floran Birthing Pods are an offshoot product from the rapidly evolving reproductive system...
[ATTACH] The permeable membrane of the tailed Quasits become wider and span out further, in order to engulf more detritus at once. This allows...
Sample evo, to get it going for the thread: [ATTACH] With the advent of the Imps, some Quasit find it much easier to feed from the bottom of the...
Evolutions: These are creatures that evolved in the discord thread. [IMG] The Quasit evolves countershading, in order to escape the watchful...
Hi. I'm a big fan of speculative evolution and biology, so I wanted to run an Evogame here. Tried to in the discord, but Threads don't get bumped...
Update: After being informed that the old EtM apps that I refered to are no longer Approved, I've rewritten the app to account for current...
((All photos are IC and exist in-universe as well.)) Name: Cursers, Mousez, Triangles, Artifacts. No scientific name, but has been dubbed...
Name: Khar Looking for?: Hunting, animal control. Bodyguard, short or event jobs only. Will keep parts of kills. Not a hitman. Experience:...
Name: Sand Golems, Sandstone Golems, Earth Golems, Rock Golems, Terra Incarnate Description: [IMG] The Golem burst from the earth, rivers of...
Name: Dust Devils, Zephyr Incarnate Description: [IMG] “Aim for the eye, habibi.” Dust Devils are composed of whirling sand, constantly in...
Relationships: Free of charge - Preferred company - Known of - Neutral - Disliked - Poor company - Free of charge CIRCLEEYE453286-BETA: Friend....
General Information [ATTACH] THE VIEW lives as a Hermit, eking out his own living in the wilds of Garlen. He's survived for two years, remaining...
//The Champions are accepted! Directions are provided to reach the Chinaut Homeworld of Scalb. Each person is given different coordinates from...
Name: Spongefruit (Spongius Fruiticus) Description: [IMG] A Spongefruit at its maximum size, photographed near the tail end of a Lahna Monsoon...