That's reasonable, but try and give me a number of seconds until the space the smoke takes up is filled out.
Hi. I'll be starting the grading on this today. What's the radius on the grenade? How long does it take for the gas cloud to reach that max...
I'd be on that one forever he is extremely complex
Belle: Small person in a tough world. Self-discovery. Finding your friends. Struggle against being corrupted by your environment. Lost love....
You didn't delete the thread, just the last post you made in it. I moved it to Off topic for you.
You're a joy to RP with. Don't worry. Your character's been memorable and you know how to play them to the tune of their flaws. I don't think...
[IMG] General Information First name: Cedric Middle name(s): "Lam" Surname: Kaya Age: 29 Date of birth: June 3rd, 3259 Race: Hylotl Gender:...
Planet Name: K-2430-I Environment: The different biomes across the planet tend to lean toward those adapted to harsh cold seasons, meaning much of...
Solar System Name: K-2430 Star type(s): K-type main sequence star. Location: [IMG] Reachability: Semi-closed. A ship may fly to it, as there are...
Sure yeah I guess.
First pass.
I'm giving this its first pass.
My first RP experience was in GMod. I don't count DarkRP. I was in some Starship Troopers RP server. I think it was a TacoNBanana server if I...
//User "Cunt" bids a disarmed nuclear missile for the formula.//
There wasn't much "inspiration" for Belle per se, but a lot of characters before on GC, and in other communities were really combat-able, always...
Initial pass eat shit Archer
So no pain but an intense warmth. Alright. That's good enough. There's just one more discrepancy, and it's this: "It's effect oftenly kicks in...