How much, roughly, do these weigh that they lift twice their own weight?
Alright. First pass.
First pass.
I've given this a bit of thought and have to ask what it is that makes this suit immune to EMPs, as we discussed in DMs. The implant put on a...
Given these use a DE battery, is it safe to assume if I were to shoot, smash or otherwise destroy one of these before they have a chance to go...
Hi. I'll be starting the grading on this today. You mention that the Bioarmor is meant to be fast, strong, and resilient. How fast, how strong,...
Same question as the suture-worm app. How long would these survive in storage in not-frozen and not-melting conditions before they need replaced?
I have one quick question: How long do they live, say, in storage? Provided they're not frozen or whatever. If I were to keep a container of them...
Thanks for the edits. First pass.
Hey, just one question for now. How much would one typically cost? The dubious knockoff versions, not the actual military production ones.
Yes. They don't target anything without eyes. But you also cannot control their appetite for eyes, so they are technically not tamable. Bringing...
[IMG] An example of an Eye-Eater. You can't tell that it's not just an Anteater. Name: Eye-Eater Description: The Eye-Eater is not actually...
Years of audio logs from the captain pass. Most rather mundane and not so serious in nature. Occasionally he details their run-ins with hostile...
Planet Name: Myn IV Environment: Earthlike. Has multiple biomes similar to those that could be found there, as well as some unique sub-biomes...
Click. The recording has started again. The voice from the first log is speaking again this time. Some quiet, classical music is playing in the...