First pass!
Damn I'm kinda mad I didn't think of apping stuff like this. This is really cool and creative! First pass!
uh oh
//Request closed// [spoiler]
seconding the fail so that a second attempt can be made
//Last call for participants: research commences tonight!//
what the fuck
//A post is made on the nexus, advertised widely in the Greater Fringe, including Atlas and Haven social media websites.// REALSPACE ORGANICS AND...
wtf how are you posting here youre right though i just need to figure out a unique reward for it maybe
Donation Rules: Donations are non-refundable. Donation rewards/perks are subject to change with and without warning. Donations will not grant...
Ok... grading time... Fail. I love insect people as much as the next person, but this species needs to be more unique. They're bee people– they...
Oh christ this has been left ungraded for awhile. Do you still have an interest in apping this species?
Um. Okay. I'm thinking this is pretty epic. First pass (and i'm going to try to find somebody on staff who can second it, since zecon, one of our...
Astrography Ileum – Main Sequence M class star Ø Ileum I (A small tidally-locked venus-like world, choking in scalding carbon dioxide.) Ø Ileum...
//A new nexus webpage is advertised extensively through social media and bright green banner ads, promising a "beautiful seaside view" and "free...