Moved to deferred because we have a deferred section now
Second pass lol
1st pass :v)
kara_oke9: @IMPERATRIX is this a selfie
Absolutely love this throughout, especially the flavour text about religious meditation. Well-balanced too. 1st pass !!
June 26, 3289 A so-called human, first speaking down to us over not knowing words of the Common tongue, hassled us to know our species. This one...
you really went off
I’m making a second post here to correct myself. I talked to someone in depth about this yesterday and I think I have to make an adjustment to my...
1 cup dill pickle juice
100% agree. Every instance of server RP is basically one big session!
The cause is post delays. The event could be the best written thing in the world, but if it takes too long between posts, even the most attentive...
June 4, 3289 We have procrastinated on selling the gold, on finding the metal-worker, and on enacting revenge on the one who took our life away...
This freaking rocks Passed
couldn't agree more. ive seen characters these days leave the room because another character was insulting them. that's like, the WORST possible...
I think a lot of problems can arise from the creation of characters that have to break character to be interesting. “My character saw a CRP on...
this ones a banger
I think this is our first human subspecies! First pass.
the dot is yellow, time to be mellow