//User AudioClinical orders Senator David Ward Replica Shades (500px), to be delivered to Calypso//
Alright the site is up!
*Insert meme that does not make sense*
Hey folks, Just to let you know that i'm going away for the rest of the month because one I will be travelling to my grandparents' to spend the...
Music for the day/night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfgKaSozf0I
Welcome to GC. We hope you enjoy your stay. And put on some pants will ya?
No worries NR. Take it easy pal and may your future endeavors reward you well.
Theme: Hirozaku Akiyama - Kashi no Mai General Information Atsuko is a 21 year-old Female Hylotl hailing from an unknown CivSpace planet. Being...
//User PhoneticAthlete replies// Well more stuff happened between Posi3252 and buried_alive since then...
Hiya Harmonic. Welcome to GC. We hope you enjoy your stay.
>September 17, 3263 >Current IC year: 3284 >22 years old. I think you made a mistake, though a detail mistake.
Howdy. Welcome to GC Derrick. I hope you have a good time.
//User PhoneticAthlete replies// That sounds like an awesome holiday.
//User HerbalHuntress orders a pair of Natures Bounty (350 pix), to be delivered to their ship.//
//User AudioClinical Replies to a comment// I would somewhat disagree to an extent, considering Senator Ward is capable of firing laser shots...
//User AudioClinical replies// Oh dear.
//User AudioClinical replies// Back in my home planet, it is somewhat tradition to binge watch horror movies for the entire month of October. I...
//User AudioClinical Replies// Please tell me this is just a joke...
Howdy Seymour. BTW I vouched your app, since I RPed as Voxilia.
I vouch this app.