//Name: Niteshade //Race: Floran //Age: 26 //Strengths: Previous fighting skill and high intellect. //Preferred Career...
Oh I thought that it was fixed
Fixed it.
//Name: Niteshade //Address: [The address of an Ardus penthouse] //Number of Flasks: 4 (Could someone look into the code of the...
Oh, Okay.
I changed the name to Shock Spheres instead of a Shock Grenade. I realized that in one of my limitations that I said it only works on contact and...
(I didn't expect you to actually join lol ecksh Dee)
//NiteNite leaves a reply// What the heck? Is this gonna go on like the zombie movies? Lol. Personally I wouldn't be worried about the...
((Yes, this will be great. The Triangle is going to be in Comics lol) (Imagine a comic book store filled with Triangle merch. Triangular comic...
Description: They are custom grenades that have certain effects as one uses them. They are small in size and create an area explosion of about 10...
[img] Name: Shock Sphere Description: A spherical ball shaped item that has a pin that when pulled turns on a timer which activates...
5 ft 56 in!!! Tallest person on the server.
(This will be great! I want to see one of your shows IC!!)
//The user NiteNite places an order.// [/b]Delivery address (PO box recommended): Haven Private Apartments floor 3, second room.[/b]...
PO box address: New Haven luxury apartment building 2nd floor. Products: C7 plastic explosives (5), and 4 industrial shaped charges, and...
Query. Do you have any food in stock for glitches?
Name: Wulfram Model: Ippan Amount: 1 Payment Method: 2.7k px monthly
//Agitated. Okay, sir.//
// Question, does your company have anything in stock for Glitches?//