// TWW orders a pair of LIMITED EDITION Dan colored Dave replica's (Collector's item) (1000px) //
Give this madman a medal +1
NAME: Tallis Xiokhan AGE: 28 SPECIES: Vampyr (Avian) EXPERIENCE WITH THE UNDERCRYPT, IF ANY: Undercrypt resident. Lives in telltale. SKILLS:...
are you only staying to make sure we haven't burnt the place down
// UonContactOfficial bids 550k pixels. //
// UonContactOfficial bids 450k pixels. //
// User UonContactOffical bids 350k pixels. //
NAME: Fernfearer AGE: 30 SPECIES: Floran EXPERIENCE WITH THE UNDERCRYPT, IF ANY: Member of the party that took down the Rig, discovered the...
(( This is an IC post by the way ))
// Anonymous comment. // And thus, it begins.
// Public response. // A hard question about a hard problem. Unfortunately, as far as I am aware an immediate solution is nearly impossible...
// The reply is deleted, even if anon is their username. //
// User TWW posts a question. // What is your opinion on the other candidates for the Senate?
// User TWW posts a question. // What is your opinion on your opposing candidate for Grand Protector?
//Public reply from Thalass Cissa.// Yes, and I do lack prior experience. However, Senator Noose was also a Prix racer and had no experience....
[img] // Vote Cissa for Haven Senate! \\ Hello, my name is Thalass Cissa, I am a 21 year old female Avian. My platform is based off of one...
// User ZaTtack comments. // Good riddance.
You need to take the quiz for the password and account here. http://www.galactic-citizen.com/showthread.php?tid=900 The quiz is at the...
We don't really care what mods you use on the server as long as it's SFW for others and doesn't add any assets.