I'm an older school gamer who used to post quite a bit, this is something I can totally help with, and will post as much as I can. Also thanks...
Also I'm on the server finally. :) I hope to be on more often, I wish I would of done this years ago.
Thanks, I found it on 2channel years ago when Airman ga Taosenai was still a popular meme. It's one of my favorite pictures of Airman.
*A loud click begins the audio log, as the recording button on the mining craft is pressed, the hum of a reactor is heard in the background, as...
Out of all the things the site needs help with right now, what do you think is the biggest obstacle?
It's Debian with a different Window Manager, so Debian for sure. I've actually only ever had Ubuntu on Pi's before. I need to give Rasbpian a shot.
This is just a thread for me to babble on about Linux news and comings and goings, it's something I dabble with in my off-time and enjoy chatting...
That looks quality and easy to use, I don't know how I didn't find that searching from before. Thank you.
I should clarify what I meant, I was actually hoping more for a recommendation of a good mod for "building your own ship" that someone else had...
Sorry to resurrect this old thread but I figure it's a good place to ask: What build your own ship mod would be good for this server? I've found...
֎֎֎ [IMG] ֎֎֎ Velimar's last day on Bereza, playing the sun away.
reformatted to fit the new forum, I'm hoping to actually get to play this time with this character.
I'm back. :)
[IMG] [IMG] Велимар Велимарович Каулбарс (Velimar Velimarovich Kaulbars) ______________________________________________________...