Deferred: Redundant technology. Can be done via engineered lifeforms and so on.
Denied: poor balancing.
deferred: redundant technology.
deferred: Redundant technology. Also lacks an understanding of stimulants and depressants.
deferred: its unlikely to be profitable nor probable to be using erchius for your hallucinogen drug of which there are already a surplus of.
Denied: We are very against technology that allows control over others
Deferred: Please remove brain extraction and find some other means and this can be moved back to approved.
deferred: redundant technology
denied: plagiarized content. Unbalanced.
denied: too unbalanced
Deferred: unnecessary
Denied. Incredibly unbalanced and unrealistic reactiontime boost.
I would like to apologize on behalf of our Organization Team for our lackluster effort in the Lore and Folklore submissions. It was a new idea and...
Acknowledgements: By submitting a species application I state that I have both read and agreed to Galaxy Citizen Terms of Service as provided in:...