You don't need to post a second app for this. Just ask us in the messaging channel.
Accepted Comments: Everything seems clear! We'll give you a position as part time security, and if you do well, you may be promoted to full...
Accepted Comments: We remember you! A cop for a whole life is sure to make a great guard!
Denied Comments: no
Denied Comments: Minimal credentials, not taking the application seriously. No. Pending Comments: Although your...
// User Amethyst Entertainment posts to the Nexus // Hellooo Fringe! The Muse has finally finished its renovations, and will be opening its...
Accepted Comments: We could put you into the stagehand division, perhaps. Maybe you'll have a hidden talent!
Who cares.
Accepted Comments: Quite the resume! Sounds like you'd be a perfect fit!
Accepted Comments: Perfect timing! We need dancers in the Muse! Can't wait to have you!
Accepted Comments: Yes yes yes! Finally, an application of interesting content, a fine read, one displaying true talent! We will be honored...
Accepted Comments: The first escort! That was quick! Hopefully you'll give the Muse a good name!
Accepted Comments: After some...discussion, the Inner Circle has decided to change their minds. Do not make us regret our decision. Prove...
Rejected Comments: Sorry, but your criminal history includes genocide! Genocide! The Inner Circle agrees that someone who is capable of...
Pending Comments: [/b]We've seen empty bowls with more content than this. You're going to need to tell us more about yourself...
Accepted Comments: A butler? Interesting! You certainly sound like a person for management! Edgear could probably use the company and...
Accepted Comments: An interesting application! You applied for both of the open roles of the Inner Circle! However, they aren't exactly...
Accepted Comments: We certainly need the actors more than the musicians, so we'll list you as an actor for now! Welcome to the team!
Accepted Comments: Another stagehand to our roster! We hope you'll prove your competence and loyalty so that you can see about becoming a...