//Start// Chapter 9 - Anthropomorphic Projection 9/30/82 9:43 am "I've read about situations where people project personalities...
//Chapter 8 is posted.// Chapter 8 9/29/82 7:47 am "I'm so lonely. I named the Puppet droids today... The one with the shorter hair...
//Chapter 7 is posted// Chapter 7 - Alone in the Dark 9/25/82 5:47 am "I awoke this morning to the sound of a strange animal...
//Chapter 6 is posted.// 9/24/82 "I was denied breakfast from my sisters due to me rudely awakening them last night. Today is going to...
//Chapter 5// [/b]Him[/b] 9/23/82 "It is the first night of our stay on this foreign planet. We have yet to encounter any signs of...
//Nemo2 makes another post.// Chapter 4 - It's Not Easy Being Green 9/20/82 "Not much of note happened during the past few days....
//Nemo2 makes another post.// Chapter 3 - Things That Go 'Scratch' in the Night 9/8/82 "Not much noteworthy about today, other than...
//Chapter 2 is published again by Nemo2.// Chapter 2 - Much ado About Nothing Fifth of September, 3282. 6:46 am. "I picked up my...
//User Nemo2 makes a post.// "In these pages I will explain where I was, if anyone cares, and perhaps shed light on my suddenly...
Hey there, posting this for those of you who either aren't in the Discord or didn't see my announcement. Please click this link to provide...