Hey, are you still interested in this getting graded?
skid bad
About 6-8 months, just occurred to me that I should add some information about its larval state.
Alright, I'm satisfied. I give this an initial pass. Awaiting Seconding.
Name: Lunacera Description: A large butterfly-like creature known to inhabit the dense forests of a specific planet. It has a wingspan of about...
Thank you for understanding, and sorry this is taking so long lol I've been really busy. Once you add the flavor text to the app I believe we are...
I'd prefer if a quarter inch only resisted up to 2-3. There's concern that Normantium might hinder cuil-based events, and weird stuff typically...
Name: Solocera Description: A large butterfly-like creature known to inhabit the dense forests of a specific planet. It has a wingspan of...
Alright, thank you. After talking with some other staff, we discovered some more changes that would be required before I can pass this. We...
@"Skid" Ok, let's begin. I only have one issue, and that's with the metal's ability to insulate from electrokinesis and pyrokinesis. The way I...
Still an improper category, but something more important has come to light. ShadeTech isn't a thing. I should've checked but I gave you the...
NAME: Gene AGE: 512 SPECIES: Glitch (Mostly) EXPERIENCE WITH THE UNDERCRYPT, IF ANY: Travelled with Lord Red-Bolt to help him reclaim his...
Sorry about the delay, I think this is fine, approved. Awaiting seconding.
Hey @"Ninin", let's begin. I only have issues with the part about "curing brainwashing". During traditional brainwashing, the targeted...
@"mono" you still interested in this app?
@"GodDinoKillDinoGodManKill" this is approved, you can clone in 5 OOC days. He'll have forgotten everything that happened after he got his brain...
Approved because I also play the flute. You can clone tomorrow since it took so long to grade.
@"Ninin" sure thing, my guy.
Hey there @"Ninin", sorry for the late reply but I'm going to fail this for the following reasons. 1) Burning erchius as a light source, no...