i was on your side until you bombed new york off the map to make a point. too far dude not cool
THAT took it too far
//Another reply from Leona.// Blocked.
//The OP, Leona, responds.// Blocked.
//A second image is added.// [IMG]
//A reply is made by the poster. It's just a picture of Giovanni eating an ice cream cone from the bottom up.//
//A post is made to a small blog site dedicated to reporting on the personal affairs of Haven Senators.// It has been well documented that...
shit sucks man
The original Nemo was my first character ever and a gay self insert. He's dead. Then the second, final Nemo came around. I made him a doctor...
big agree with silver, it made the game even more boring than it was but gc hasn't cared about official lore for a long time so
I'll give this a second pass, have a nice day.
//The author replies.// Updated the timeline.
//Similar stories would appear across the Nexus on a variety of sites, from independent journalists to bigger news publications. This particular...
//A bright, flashy advertisement can be found all over the Nexus.// [IMG] Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen of the Fringe! This is the one...
this place gay lol
Approved, you can clone in 3 days.
You can demand priority at three weeks, there is no two week bell. This is approved.
I still can't fuckin @ people but this is approved to go on to stage 2.
idk why I can't @ people all of a sudden but pass, awaiting seconding