the main strength in a person is the piss in the balls
i dont like you
bring back downvotes
You were most certainly 'negative' and 'abrasive' before your ban, and while it's too soon to make any judgements about your behavior post-ban you...
seconded, moving to approved
play dnd with us
(IC and OOC name): Evelyn Alwen Chulainn (hmmmm, i wonder.) FAVOURITE COLOUR: Yellow HUG STYLE: A cwtch WEAPON YOU MIGHT BRING: Rifle, pistol,...
a building needs a sturdy foundation
dont want a bitch lookin like the goddamn upside down L tetromino
shut the fuck up you absolute whore
ass over tits ev er y day
you are next
bring back downvotes or i will like every single post on the forums for the sole purpose of unliking DISTASTEFUL content
id downvote you if i could
r u cute haha
My first RP experience was getting the password through ILLICIT means and not understanding it was an RP server until a week or two later, at...
finished the quiz