Begin log! I just spent two hundred and eighty osi. On a kilogram of sugar. It sounds as though it’s worth it, from what Blair said, so that’s...
Begin Log. I don’t need anyone knowing what I’m thinking. What’s… rattling around in my head. It’s too much, there’s too much! God, what if this...
Name: Bask Slang/Street names: Catnap, Chill Description: A substance varying in coloration from light grey to light brown, with either a...
Another log cluster, grouped together. “I realized something today. I got so… agitated when Belle was hurt, I forgot I took parts from Dioge’s...
Another audiolog, lying next to the first. A simple number 2 is marked on it’s side. First day back into the wild fringe yonder, and it went...
Kristina asks about vegetarian options and usually gets Hylotl food. Pretty much anything without meat is good.
Planet Name: M-190836-T1J Ab “Hopkins” Environment: Hopkins is a temperate-cold wet planet rendered difficult for colonization by extensive and...
Solar System Name: M-190836-T1J Star type(s): M-type main sequence (orange-red), K-type main sequence (red dwarf) Location: Far northeast, within...
There's another folder here - audio logs. They play automatically in sequence, one snippet after another, all saved with only the date and time of...
[Initializing…] [Please enter username.] >Blue [Please enter password.] >******* [Please enter action.] >Create textlog [Creating…] Sittitting in...
[Initializing…] [Please enter username.] >Blue [Please enter password.] >******* [Please enter action.] >Create textlog [Creating…] losing track...
[Initializing…] [Please enter username.] >Blue [Please enter password.] >******* [Please enter action.] >Create textlog [Creating…] Quet. Quet?...
[Initializing…] [Please enter username.] >Blue [Please enter password.] >******* [Please enter action.] >Create textlog [Creating…] Ive’ bjeen...
[Initializing…] [Please enter username.] >Blue [Please enter password.] >******* [Please enter action.] >Create textlog [Creating…] Pride. The...
//The beaten and nearly defunct piece of tech hums to life on inspection, a neon blue UI displaying an extremely basic menu. The "logs" section...