Hey there! You'll want to hop on our discord server and contact our staff through there to best get ahold of us
sir, i just finished my quiz. i passed the test. i need a people like you to help me with the username and password for the server.
I'd recommend messaging a monitor or moderator about getting your account set up. It's easier to reach them by discord but I'll let them know you're asking.
What mod does the server use for the building entrances in haven city. Could I use the mod for a private singleplayer world I have?
I believe it is a script or a command that some users enter in order to create the splash messages. I don't know how to do it myself but I know others like Wowgain can. It isn't monopolized on though, I'll see if I can point someone in your direction.
While you can privately message one of us on the forums, its easier to reach us through the GC Discord, which can be found here. https://i.imgur.com/6fEOItg.png Additionally, I'll go ahead and drop the invite link here. https://discord.gg/29X3fxE My discord username is Khaos#0633
Well the SB server now has a white-list for anyone RPing in-game. For more info: https://galactic-citizen.com/threads/whitelist-update.1325/#post-3740
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"By the seventh day Wowgain had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work." Genesis 2:2