Usernames fam

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Teldrassil, Oct 17, 2020.

  1. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Do you ever look at a username and go “how did they end up choosing that?”
    Well, now’s your time to find out!
    So how it works is, you explain how you got yours and then @ 2 people and they have to explain theirs. Like a username info pyramid scheme.

    I’ll start.
    I went into my saved pictures folder, found an image of burning Teldrassil I had saved to tease a nelf main with and chose it as my pfp, basing my username off of it. It felt right so I went with it.

    @Cheffy @Pinkbat5
  2. Cheffy

    Cheffy La Creatura Bronze Donator

    Nov 23, 2018
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    I made mind after a number of previous versions which I shall not name, but it eventually turned into my current one "Cheffy". Which is often misspelled on purpose.

    @Khaos @TrIpTiCuS
  3. Pinkbat5

    Pinkbat5 pocl v3.7.2 Staff Member Administrator Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Mine is a derivative of my First Username Ever, Hotpink5– which was my Webkinz username. Hot pink was my favourite colour, and I was five years old at the time. Lol
    I don't remember why I didn't keep it as Hotpink5, but bats were one of my favourite animals at the time (and they still are now) so that's probably why i inserted 'bat'. Maybe I didn't think the specific kind of pink I liked was important anymore... But I probably just misremembered it.
    "pocl.v" is also a derivative, from Pinkbat5. It originated around two years ago when Lloyd was trying to talk to me on the GC discord, but butchered my username as "pjnkbag". It was so mangled that everybody immediately thought it was hilarious, and proceeded to call me it jokingly for several months. The running joke eventually devolved into misspelling my username more and more, until one person (I think SomeTemplar?) said 'pocl'. I thought it unironically had a nice ring to it, tacked a cool-looking letter on the end (v) and started using it as a username on some social media. That's around it.
    @Bulphrog @Dust and Echoes
    SilverGallium and Teldrassil like this.
  4. TrIpTiCuS

    TrIpTiCuS Galactic Enforcer

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Mine's from back when I used to play TF2 in, must've been 2014? 2015? Regardless, I remember seeing this guy playing soldier. Now when I first read his name I saw it as "TRIPT" and thought "Hey, that's pretty cool sounding". I soon realised however that the T's were ascii crosses, which meant Tript was up for grabs! And that's what I ended up rocking for a few months, with a bit of capitalisation thrown in because I liked the symmetrical look (TrIpT). However I quickly found that name didn't really roll off the tongue very well, so I added the "-icus" suffix, and ended up with TrIpTiCuS. So yeah, that's my origin story I guess.

    You @ZachChase and you @Notanumber
    Teldrassil likes this.
  5. Notanumber

    Notanumber The Archivist Ex-Staff

    Jun 26, 2017
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    There was this old British series called The Prisoner. Came out in 1967. It was about an unnamed former secret service agent being kidnapped and interrogated by a seemingly all powerful organization, operating out of a strange coastal village. The show was weird, esoteric and difficult to follow. And it had this, enlightening opening I invite you all to watch.

    The Line at the end, "I am not a number, I'm a free man!" stuck with me. If I'm remembering correctly, it was even sampled in an Iron Maiden song, I would imagine that contributed to the quote's popularity. Eventually, around the winter of 2015, I ended up building my own PC. And I needed a new online nom de plume. I dug up that old quote, buried somewhere in the back of my mind. But I thought best make a hilarious joke out of it! So rather than Iamnotanumber, it was Iamnotanumber2000. One will note, that has a number on it. Which is fucking hysterical.

    Interestingly not long after I chose this username a children's book was released also called I Am Not a Number. It followed the story of a young First Nations girl called Irene who was forced to leave her family and move to a residential school. The book's primary focus was on the struggle to hold onto one's cultural identity when it's being forcefully torn from you, and your shamed and picked on for your heritage. The cover image it was sold under being Irene having her long hair cut, made to conform with the standards of the society that belittled her. It's an interesting and thoughtful perspective on the legacy of colonialism. Written in terms that children still suffering from similar systems could understand and related with.

    Kinda makes me feel like a dick for making the quote into a dumb joke...

    Anyway! I nominate, @Odinsbeard and @TriReef
    TrIpTiCuS, Teldrassil and Pinkbat5 like this.
  6. Mannyisback

    Mannyisback New Arrival

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I use mannyisback alot i used mannyisback when I did not know my discord name
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
  7. Exon

    Exon Galactic Enforcer

    Sep 25, 2020
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    I played with sounds when I was, like, five. No real special meaning behind it - though it is the term for a segment of DNA that is used to code amino acids (as opposed to an intron, which does not).

    Nominating the Vampyr lords, @Dekerrex and @zecon125 to explain.
    Teldrassil likes this.
  8. zecon125

    zecon125 Lizzer Staff Member Moderator Bronze Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I'll be honest here, I created zecon125 as I was making a Minecraft account. I specifically wanted something unique and memorable, so I created my own word and put some funny numbers. Fun fact! I had been pronounced it 'zec-own' for most of my life, then I realized that was fucking stupid and no word works like that.

    Uhh, @Endiie and @ZachChase
  9. Khan333

    Khan333 New Arrival

    Feb 10, 2019
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    But uhhh yeah, my username is one I use for damn near everything and its conception is both incredibly obvious and yet almost never what people think. Normally people just end up letting out "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANS" anytime I enter a VC or new area thinking the star trek guy is where I got this title from.

    When really I chose my name out of a, at the time and technically still ongoing obsession with history and good old GHENGIS HIMSELF. Alongside a mild reverence for the number 3 specifically from greek myths making sure that all my future usernames had Khan and 3 in them in some capacity.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2020
    Exon and Teldrassil like this.
  10. WowGain

    WowGain Bara King Staff Member Administrator Bronze Donator Event Builder

    Jun 25, 2017
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    i needed a minecraft username and the username i used on other places was taken so i put two random words together and it stuck

    @Bulphrog @TriReef
    provide tribute.
    Teldrassil likes this.
  11. ZachChase

    ZachChase Does Anyone Read These? Gold Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    My name will forever be a mystery. The two eldritch signs I found carved in that cave I discovered in my youth were forever embedded in my mind and so I brought them together to make the perfect name for my Minecraft username. The pact was sealed. I must bear the burden of this name everywhere I go now. I can no longer separate the two parts, nor can they ever be separated from me. I am doomed to be trapped with them for all eternity.

    @crumchy @TurnWall
    What is the burden of your names?
    Deleted Account and Teldrassil like this.
  12. Deleted Account

    Deleted Account Galactic Prodige Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    TurnWall is a username relic I go by on GC. There isn't much of a mystery to it, its simply the name of my first SBRP character Turnwall Copperspin, I thought it'd be cool if I went by it back in 2016, and has sort of stuck, though I don't really use it outside of GC anymore.

    @SilverGallium Your turn. :)
    SilverGallium and PadLock like this.
  13. Large Zithron

    Large Zithron New Arrival

    Jul 8, 2017
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    Played Star Wars Battlefront 1&2 and made up a Jedi name.
    SilverGallium likes this.
  14. PadLock

    PadLock New Arrival

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Certified loser so im not going to tag anybody, but my display name has changed during my stay here. First was ByrdMann, which was an amalgam of Bird spelled funny and the surname Mann, pulled from TF2. My interests at the time.

    Later down the line, PadLock was put in place after a short break from GC. A little bit of a nod to my tendency to be rather quiet and closed mouth in person, as well as the lack of drive to gossip lulled people into often confiding in me, knowing that i wouldn't bother talking about it later on down the line. Still happens to this day. As such, I chose a display name that invoked that sense of security (or at least one that was open)
  15. Teldrassil

    Teldrassil Galactic Officer Community Monitor

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Wow what a loser. Not tagging anybody... Shame! Shame!
    SilverGallium and Exon like this.
  16. Kixerg

    Kixerg New Arrival

    Nov 9, 2020
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    i just really love gerki
  17. Mir

    Mir The Kentucky Fried Cyborg Impervium Donator

    Jun 19, 2019
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    So, when I play games, I have periods where I binge the same game for very long periods of time. The 3-4 months leading up to me joining GC, this game was Maplestory. Y'all remember maplestory, that game was the shit. But anyways, in Maplestory, there was a playable character I had taken a particular shine to playing, because they could summon a dragon. And 13-14 year old me thought that dragon summoning was the coolest thing possible, So of course I would gravitate to playing them. The character's name was Evan.

    Now to anyone who may think that this story isn't leading anywhere, there's another detail about this character. The dragon itself. The dragon's name, was Mir.
  18. SilverGallium

    SilverGallium No-Bark Noonan Impervium Donator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Back forever ago, when I donated to GC for the first time, I got the Silver-tier package. So proud of having it, I decided to rename myself around it. The idea to tack "gallium" on the end came from one time I made a staff application and in a comment giving said app a +1, Pink brought up gallium - "+1, really cool, like gallium," or something like that, with an accompany gif of liquid gallium melting a soda can, and no I don't know how I remember all this either - and in doing so she reminded me that it existed after I'd seen it shown of a few times in school. I don't remember if I was already going by Silver then, or she was alluding to my donor tier, or she was just saying that because gallium is indeed a very cool element, but since gallium looked similar to silver for its silvery color, and the two words had a nice ring when stuck together, I did just that and I've been going by it ever since.

    I actually considered changing my name again when I upgraded to Impervium, but I couldn't really find anything as good. The whole idea was "(element)(similar-looking but different element)" again, but I couldn't really force anything that had a ring as good as SilverGallium. The fact that Impervium wasn't/isn't actually a real element made that worse, so I expanded my options by instead trying to do "(color)(element)." Problem then was that I didn't know if I should do "black" because Impervium is black, or "magenta" because the actual rank's associated color is magenta. The closest I ever got was "BlackBohrium" before abandoning the idea entirely and keeping SilverGallium.

    Also, I used to be called Marcfyre. That name's still on the official GC t-shirt, if you have one. I really hope you don't, but if you do, it's there.

    @Roren what is a roren.
    Teldrassil likes this.
  19. Bulphrog

    Bulphrog The All-Phrogger Staff Member Community Monitor

    Sep 9, 2017
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    Oh shit, hi.

    Bulphrog came from me mucking about with words and replacing the 'f' in them with Ph. Examples of this were like 'phish', 'phly', 'phantastic', so on. I ended up coming up with Bulphrog, and l liked it so much I stuck with it. Variations of that name came from friends like Bulph, Bul, Bully, and Phrog.