Medical Miasma and Fetor

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Khaos, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. Khaos

    Khaos Purple Man Impervium Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Miasma / Fetor

    Miasma is a term used to describe the product harvested from Miasma Blooms, which comes in two variants. The former, most common variant usually appears as a yellowed gas/liquid with a honeydew odor. The more potent, rare variant of miasma is violet, in contrast. This rare and potent form is called Fetor, of which has anomalous effects.

    Overall, the drug is used in all things longevity. From increasing the duration of effect of existing drugs, to allowing the creation of drugs and medicines that help to improve healthspans.

    Miasma has a high variety of applications, for both medical and recreational use:
    • Miasma can be incorporated into treatments and medicines used to prolong health, often used in the medical sectors in ways to improve the health-spans of various species.
    • Typically increases the duration of effects of other drugs. This makes it a popular additive to recreational drugs to achieve a longer high, but consequently results in longer 'crashes' and similar. This effect is around 1.5x for miasma, and 2x for fetor.
    • Acts as a preserver in some fashion for still-living tissues. It can slow the progression of a few ailments and disorders, used in combination with other compounds in various drugs seen everywhere.
    • Nonaddictive.

    Conditional Abilities (Optional):
    Miasma can be used to improve the duration of effects in various compounds. For example, it improves the duration of effect for Hearth Potions in the same way it would work for recreational drugs. Consequently this also however increases the duration of its negative effects.

    has the additional benefits:
    • Fetor is more potent, requiring a smaller amount of the compound, and tends to have longer lasting effects.
    • Fetor, with the right combination of drugs, has drastic improvements to the longevity of organic tissues, though this only applies to effects on age. It cannot, for example, prevent disease or infection.

    For typical miasma:
    • Like any drug, too much isn't good for you. Overdosing on miasma results in a swift descent into unconsciousness, followed by eventual respiratory failure. A person who overdoses in this fashion can be detoxed.
    • On its own, miasma doesn't do too much. It is a chemical that serves as an ingredient and additive to many drugs.
    • While miasma is not addictive, adding it to already addictive drugs can make it easier to develop a dependence.

    Conditional Limitations (Optional):
    For Fetor:
    • Fetor is incredibly hard to get, only harvested from aged Miasma Blooms found on worlds that have a higher than average ECF.
    • Fetor is much easier to overdose on, especially in the case of applying it to recreational drugs. As an overdose kills within the span of a couple of minutes, it's very hard to get aid in time, and harder to recover from.

    How does it work:
    Miasma is an interesting organic compound capable of reacting with other drugs and chemicals. In that way it is similar to starsugar, but the emphasis is on the duration of effects. That aside, its use in medicine follows a similar route in terms of longevity, in the broad area of keeping someone healthy, rather than to help overcome current ailment.

    Fetor works in a very similar fashion, though it is poorly understood in just how it works, given its somewhat anomalous behavior.

    Flavor text:
    Miasma's usefulness was discovered shortly after Miasma Blooms were exported from their originating world. Given its unique composition and ability to be used in the medical sector, it spread quite quickly as a medical commodity.

    on the other hand was discovered much later, and while it stands to have a much higher potential, its usefulness has been less explored given that Miasma Blooms that produce it tend to be rare and restricted to certain worlds. However, it has seen some traction in the Undercrypt as a risky additive to 'potions'.

    Referenced Technologies (Optional):

    Attainability: Open (Miasma) - Semi-Open (Fetor)

    Tags: [Industrial]

    Category: Medical
    Cheffy, zecon125 and Pinkbat5 like this.
  2. 9K

    9K Galactic Officer Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 27, 2017
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    This seems fine to me.
    First pass.
  3. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Pass 2 :)