HardLight Jumpers

Discussion in 'Denied' started by trashpanda, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. trashpanda

    trashpanda New Arrival

    Mar 28, 2020
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    Name: HardLight Jumpers.

    Description: HL Jumpers are small additions that can be made to compatible boots. The Jumpers resemble small cubic boxes that fit behind the heel of the user. They’re designed to not be impeding for the wearer. Specific style of the Jumpers can be altered to match the wearer's boots.

    Abilities: HL Jumpers allow the wearer to leap a couple more times while airborne by projecting a stationary hardlight platform beneath the wearers foot. Each Jumper can create 3 platforms before overheating and requiring a cooldown, which is accomplished by remaining grounded for a couple moments.

    Conditional Abilities: N/A

    Limitations: Platforms do not exist for long, nor are they mobile, making it useless for defence. As well the platforms are very small, only fitting a single foot, this in conjunction with their short lifespans means that a user could not use the Jumper to remain airborne.

    Conditional Limitations: They are not EMP shielded, nor do they break a user's fall. If a wearer uses all six platforms to gain height, they could very much find themselves plummeting from the sky from a dangerous height.

    How does it work: By utilizing HardLight moving independently from it’s projector, it allows the wearer to press and jump off of the platforms. The HardLight emitted from the Jumpers remains stationary according to its location within a given planet's gravity well, meaning that regardless of pressure put on the projections they won’t move, allowing the wearer to jump off them. This however incurs a high energy cost, meaning that the projectors can’t sustain the projection for long, or many of them.

    Flavor: Developed by the Rock 'N Stone mining company, these boots were designed to give the stout workers more mobility.


    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
  2. Skid

    Skid God Incarnate Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hey Trash. After reading this over, I'm going to give it a fail. There's nothing wrong with the app, but GC already has double jump boots which fulfill a similar niche. I'd suggest using them instead.
  3. TriReef

    TriReef treef Staff Member Community Monitor Diamond Donator

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Seconded, Failed.